Savannah High School Class of 1963 - Classmates
Number of classmates: 608
Adams, James |
Adams, John |
Adams, Sharon |
(Deceased) |
Aliffi, Kathryn |
Alpern, Gail |
Alpert, William |
(Deceased) |
Anderson, Barbara |
(Deceased) |
Anderson, Brenda |
Anderson, Lynda |
Arnold, George |
Ayoub, Jack |
Badenhop, John |
(Deceased) |
Bailey, Julie |
Bailey, Linda |
(Missing) |
Baker, Fay Una |
Banks, Latrelle |
(Deceased) |
Banks, Louise |
Barfield, Cindy |
Barnes, Robert |
(Missing) |
Barnes, Robert L |
Battu, Larry |
Bazemore, Charles |
Bazemore, Georgia |
(Missing) |
Bazemore, Judith |
Bazemore, Leslie |
(Missing) |
Beale, Tom |
Beasley, Hazel |
(Missing) |
Beattie, Carol |
(Missing) |
Beberman, Ruth |
Beebe, Linda |
(Missing) |
Beecher, Amy |
Bell, Pamela |
(Missing) |
Bell, Victoria |
Bell, Waymon |
Berman, Barbara |
(Missing) |
Bernstein, Clair |
Best, Terry |
(Deceased) |
Billings, Cecil Larry |
Binnicker, Helen |
Blackburn, Jerry |
Blakewood, Reginald |
Bland, Francis |
(Missing) |
Blount, Oscar |
Blumberg, Stephen |
Bodie, Albert |
(Deceased) |
Boling, Carter |
(Missing) |
Boone, Herman |
(Deceased) |
Boone, Ruth |
(Deceased) |
Bowden, Patricia |
(Missing) |
Bowyer, Robert |
(Deceased) |
Boyd, George Tony |
Boyd, Sandra |
Boykin, Linda |
Boylston, Jeannette- |
Brand, Dorothy |
Brandon, Tanya |
(Missing) |
Brannen, Diane Marie |
Brannen, Patricia Gail |
(Missing) |
Brannen, Robert |
(Unlisted) |
Brantley, Paul |
(Missing) |
Braswell, Mary |
(Deceased) |
Braun, James Don |
Brazell, Annell |
(Missing) |
Breazel, Nancy |
Brewer, Madeline |
Bridges, Gary |
Brooks, Victoria |
Brown, Alvin |
(Deceased) |
Brown, Carl |
Brown, Donald |
(Missing) |
Brown, Sondra |
Bryant, Daniel 'Dan' |
Buck, Fred |
(Deceased) |
Burke, Harriet |
Burns, Barry 1962 |
(Missing) |
Butler, Marion (Corbin) |
Byrd, Frank |
(Missing) |
Byrd, Richard Van |
Cabaniss, Nancy |
Calder, Nancy |
(Deceased) |
Caldwell, Eugene |
(Unlisted) |
Canady, Alberta |
Canavan, Rita |
(Missing) |
Cannady, William |
Cantor, Sara |
Cardinal, Eleanor |
(Missing) |
Carson, Cynthia |
Carter, Charles |
(Missing) |
Carter, Curtis |
Carter, Jaynell |
Case, Mary |
(Missing) |
Center, Hedda |
Chafin, Nancy |
Chan, Clarence Butch |
(Deceased) |
Chisolm, Lynn |
Chumbley, Edward |
(Missing) |
Clanton, Karen |
Clark, Allen |
(Missing) |
Clark, Cheryl |
Claxton, Ernestine |
Clements, Donald |
Clifton, Alan |
(Deceased) |
Clifton, Brenda |
(Missing) |
Cobb, Rommie |
Cohen, Janet |
Cole, Mary Ann |
Colley, John |
Collins, Charles |
Collins, Connie |
Connor, Nancy |
(Missing) |
Coons, Carol |
(Missing) |
Coppage, Linda |
Cornelius, Susan |
Cowart, Elton |
Cowart, Ulie |
(Deceased) |
Cox, Kathleen |
(Deceased) |
Cox, Lawanaa |
Crapse, Lester |
Craven, William |
Creech, James |
Crevis, Harriett |
(Deceased) |
Cribbs, Ruth |
Cunningham, Ben |
Cutts, Richard |
Daniels III, Thomas |
Davies, Linda |
Davis, Janet |
(Deceased) |
Davis, Johnny |
davis, michael |
Davis , Rose |
Davis, Sara |
Dawson, David |
Deason, Betty |
Dempsey, Elizabeth |
(Missing) |
Dewberry, Paul |
(Deceased) |
Dickerson, Jackie Lawrence |
(Unlisted) |
Diemar, Iris |
Dixon, Ted |
(Deceased) |
Doane, Anglita |
(Deceased) |
Dooley, Elizabeth |
(Deceased) |
Doss, Barbara |
(Deceased) |
Dostalek, Paul |
Douglas, Margaret (Leslie) |
Dubois, Janet |
Dunaway, Henri Elizabeth |
Dunn, Judy |
(Missing) |
Dunning, John |
(Missing) |
Dupree, Dan |
Eason, Danise |
Eckles, Mary |
(Missing) |
Edenfield, Ann |
(Unlisted) |
Edenfield, Joel |
Edwards, Kathy |
(Missing) |
Edwards, Mary |
(Deceased) |
Edwards, Samuel |
(Missing) |
Edwards, Sheila |
(Missing) |
Ehlers, John |
Eliopolo, James |
(Missing) |
Elman, Brenda |
Evans, James |
Evans, Jerry |
Evans, Robert Graves |
(Missing) |
Evans, Robert M |
Everette, Bobby |
Exley, Mary Ann |
Exley, Olan Anderson |
(Missing) |
Farthing, Constance |
Faulk, Madie LaVern |
Faust, Donald |
Faust, Glenda |
Fell, Ann |
(Deceased) |
Fielkow, Jo Anne |
(Deceased) |
Fincher, Nancy |
Fitzgerald, Patsy |
Folmar, Catherine |
Fordham, Jesse |
(Missing) |
Fordham, Tommy |
Fountain, Terry |
Fowden, James |
(Missing) |
Fowler, Gloria |
(Missing) |
Fowler, Jerry |
Franks, Dimitri |
Frenkel, Ruby |
(Deceased) |
Freundt, Robert |
(Deceased) |
Freyne, Nina Victoria |
Fuller, Warren Earle |
(Deceased) |
Futch, Andria |
Garner, Linda |
(Deceased) |
Geisking, Catherine |
George, George John |
Gerken, Carl |
(Deceased) |
Getty, John |
(Deceased) |
Gillikin, Jereldeen |
(Missing) |
Ginsberg, Howard |
(Deceased) |
Ginsberg, Ronald |
Glaser, Nella |
(Deceased) |
Glassman, Carol Sue |
(Missing) |
Glisson, Bobby |
(Deceased) |
Godbee, Larry |
(Deceased) |
Graham, Harry |
(Missing) |
Grant, Candice |
Greenway, Kay |
(Deceased) |
Grevemberg, Gayle |
Griffin, James |
(Missing) |
Grigg, Johnny |
(Missing) |
Grist, Sandra |
(Deceased) |
Griswell, Patricia |
Hagan, Walter |
Hall, Franel Ann |
(Missing) |
Hallman, Gail |
Hamilton, June |
Hardy, Frances |
(Missing) |
Harkins, Louis |
Harkins, William Francis (Frank) |
Harley, Marion |
Harms, Priscilla |
Harn, Stanley |
Harrison, Bill |
Harvard, Lucius |
(Missing) |
Harvey, Bobby Alonzo |
(Deceased) |
Harvey, Gary |
(Missing) |
Hayman, C K JR |
(Deceased) |
Hearn, Ann |
Heckman, Linda |
Hegewald, Arthur (Doc) |
(Unlisted) |
Helm, Cheryl |
(Missing) |
Hendrix, Betty Sue |
(Deceased) |
Hendrix, Harold (Scottie) |
Hendrix, Jerry |
Hendry, Peter W |
(Deceased) |
Henry, Elizabeth |
Herrin, Sue |
Hicks, Marsha |
Highsmith, Charles |
(Deceased) |
Hill, George |
(Deceased) |
Hinely, Steve |
(Deceased) |
Hodges, Carlton |
Hodges, Julia |
Holland, Caroline Merideth |
(Deceased) |
Holland, Wayne |
Holliday, Leamon |
Holloman, Barbara |
Holton, Judy |
(Missing) |
Homansky, Bette |
(Deceased) |
Hook, Danielle |
(Missing) |
Hopkinson, Marion |
(Deceased) |
Howard, John |
(Deceased) |
Howard, Mary Linda Nell |
Howard, Waldean |
(Missing) |
Hudson, Sandra |
Huey, Carolyn |
Hugunin, Linda |
(Missing) |
Humphrey, David |
Hunter, Angela (Angie) |
Hunter, Gerald |
(Deceased) |
Inglesby, Muriel |
Ingram, Elizabeth |
(Missing) |
Ingram, Marsha Gerri |
Jackson, Barbara Jo |
Jackson, Diane |
Jackson, Elsie Loretta |
(Deceased) |
Jackson, Wallace |
(Missing) |
Jarrell, David |
Jerrell, Joy |
(Missing) |
Johnson, Gerald |
(Unlisted) |
Johnson, Linda |
(Missing) |
Johnson, Margaret |
(Unlisted) |
Jones, James |
(Unlisted) |
Jones, Patricia |
Jones, Robey |
(Missing) |
Jordan, Rebecca- |
Joseph, Mary Alice |
Joyner, Pamela |
(Missing) |
Kaminsky, Jerry |
Kanter, Harvey |
Kantsiper, Sandra |
Kantziper, Mitzie |
Karsman, Kay |
(Missing) |
Keck, Michael |
(Deceased) |
Keck, William |
Kennickell, Ralph |
(Deceased) |
Kenreich, Edward |
Kerr, Aven |
(Missing) |
Kersey, Katherine |
(Missing) |
Kiene, Kathleen (Kitty) |
Kievenaar, Irene |
Kiley, Melvin |
(Deceased) |
King, Henry |
Kirkland, Bonnie Sue |
Kitchell, John |
Knight, Raymond |
(Missing) |
Kroskin, Ann |
Krout, Gloria |
(Missing) |
Lackey, Phyllis |
(Missing) |
Lancaster, Kay |
(Missing) |
Langford, Roland (Everett) |
Lasseter, Patricia |
(Missing) |
Lattimer, Frank |
(Deceased) |
Lawyer, Madalyn |
(Missing) |
Lee, James |
(Deceased) |
Lee, Shirley |
Lennox, Cherie |
(Unlisted) |
Lennox, Patricia |
Lent, Donna |
(Deceased) |
Lewis, Maria Lynette |
Lightfoot, Phillip |
(Deceased) |
Lindsey, Joel |
(Missing) |
Lively, Stewart |
(Missing) |
Logue, Linda Rae |
Long, Edwena |
Long, Loraine |
(Missing) |
Long, Robert Earl |
(Missing) |
Long, Robert Edward |
Lott, Mary |
Love, Diane |
Love, Robert |
(Deceased) |
Lynch, Addie |
Lynch, Ronald |
(Missing) |
Lynch, Sherron |
(Missing) |
Maddox, Beverly |
Mahaney, Jan |
Mallard, Carol |
(Missing) |
Mallard, Harold |
Mallis, Alex |
Marcus, Myrna |
(Missing) |
Marshall, Linda |
Marshall, Robert |
(Missing) |
Martin, Annette |
(Missing) |
Martin, Betty |
(Unlisted) |
Martin, Charles Richard |
Martin, James |
(Missing) |
Martin, Kathryn (Kathie) |
Martin, Mary Jane |
Maulden, Daniel |
(Missing) |
Maxey, Sandra |
(Missing) |
May, Michael |
(Missing) |
McAllister, James |
(Missing) |
Mcclanahan, Lauren |
McCoy, David |
(Deceased) |
McCullough, Marie |
McGaughey, Regina |
(Missing) |
McGee, Sandra |
McGinnis, Chelsey |
(Deceased) |
McLaughlin, Joyce |
(Missing) |
McLellan, Fern |
(Missing) |
Meeks, Gary |
Merritt, Lydia |
(Missing) |
Mewborn, John |
(Missing) |
Mikowski, Ann |
(Missing) |
Miller, Joann |
(Missing) |
Miller, Joyce |
(Missing) |
Miller, Kathryn |
(Deceased) |
Millikan, Ginger |
(Deceased) |
Missroon, Linda |
Mitchell, Richard Lee |
(Deceased) |
Mobley, William |
(Missing) |
Moody, Ann |
(Missing) |
Moore, Harry Brud |
Moore, Joy |
(Missing) |
Moore, Lee |
Moore, Linda |
(Missing) |
Moore, Patricia |
(Missing) |
Moore, Sandy |
(Missing) |
Morgan, Mary Brooks |
(Deceased) |
Morlan, David |
Morris, Linda |
(Missing) |
Morris, Thomas |
(Missing) |
Morrison, Arthur (Jim) |
Morrison, William Tarver |
(Deceased) |
Morrow, Nancy |
(Missing) |
Murphy, Patricia |
(Deceased) |
Murray, Mary (Bitsty) |
Naismith, Sabra Ann |
(Deceased) |
Neikirt, Terry |
(Missing) |
Nesmith, Kay |
(Deceased) |
Nettles, Charles |
(Missing) |
Newman, Aaron K (Ron) |
(Deceased) |
Nicholson, Essie |
(Missing) |
O'Neal, Bobby |
O'Neal, Christine (Tina) |
(Missing) |
O'Rand, Louise Arline |
Oelschig, Angela |
(Missing) |
Olsen, Mary |
Opper, Diane |
(Missing) |
Owens, Grace |
(Missing) |
Owens, Marlene |
Pace, Almon Berry |
Pacetti, Susan |
Paderewski, Barney |
(Deceased) |
Padgett, Barbara |
Padgett, James |
Padgett, Julia  |
(Deceased) |
Page, Betsy |
(Missing) |
Pagliarullo, Carmen sister Donna |
(Deceased) |
Parker, Andrew Mickey |
(Deceased) |
Patton, Cathryne |
(Missing) |
Peeples, Patricia Gail |
(Missing) |
Penney, Angela |
(Missing) |
Perry, John |
Persons, Paula |
Petrea, Jr, Jessie Lewis |
(Deceased) |
Philipp, Pamela |
Phillips, Carroll Freeman |
(Deceased) |
Phillips, Lydia |
Pierce, Conrad Paiton |
Pinnell, Wylma |
(Missing) |
Plyler, Brenda |
Polk, Ellen |
Pope, Henrietta |
Poplin, Mae |
Poplin, Ruth May |
(Unlisted) |
Potter, Anita |
(Missing) |
Powell, Rodney |
Powell, Ruskin |
Prouse, Douglas |
(Deceased) |
Puder, Victoria |
(Missing) |
Purvis, Joseph |
Quarles, Frances |
(Missing) |
Quinn, Susan |
(Missing) |
Rabhan, Lynn |
Rabun, John |
Rackley, Harry |
(Missing) |
Rackley, Linda |
(Deceased) |
Ramage, Judy |
Ravenscroft, Harry |
(Deceased) |
Rawlins, Charles |
Readdick, Judy |
Reddick, Carolyn |
(Missing) |
Redmond, Pamela |
Reed, Denny |
Reese, William |
(Deceased) |
Reid, Walter |
(Missing) |
Rentz, Mary Elizabeth- |
Rentz, Mary Winn |
Respass, Gordonn |
(Deceased) |
Ridgle, John (Bernie) |
(Deceased) |
Robbins, Simmie |
(Missing) |
Roberds, Carolyn Elizabeth |
Roberts, Linda |
Robertson, Margaret |
(Missing) |
Rogers, Jan |
(Missing) |
Rogers, Jenell |
Rogers, Norma Jean |
(Deceased) |
Rosenthal, Patricia |
Rowe, Earl Perry (Pete) |
Rowse, Brenda |
(Missing) |
Royals, Everett Donnie |
Russell, John |
Salter, Mary |
(Missing) |
Salvatore, Nancy Jo |
Sanders, Milford J |
Sanders, Nancy |
(Missing) |
Sanders, Nick |
Sands, Mitchell (Micky) |
Sapp, Johnny |
Sauls, Judith |
(Deceased) |
Scheider, Robert |
(Deceased) |
Schine, Murray |
Schocket, Carol |
Schuller, Katherine |
(Deceased) |
Schulz, Richard Wayne (Pat) |
(Deceased) |
Seay, Lynda |
(Missing) |
Segall, Robert |
Sellars, Sheila |
(Missing) |
Sewell, Van |
Seyle, Charles |
Shaffer, Iris |
(Missing) |
Sharp, Harold |
(Missing) |
Shearouse, Rodney |
Sheffield, Rosemary |
Sherrod, Joyce |
(Missing) |
Shoob, Renee |
(Deceased) |
Sikes, Hershal |
(Deceased) |
Simmons, Wymann |
(Deceased) |
Sims, (Jewell) Dianne |
Sims, Clyde |
(Missing) |
sims, joseph |
Sinopoli, Mary |
(Deceased) |
Smith, Ann Marie |
(Deceased) |
Smith, Barbara |
Smith, Cheryl |
(Missing) |
Smith, Donald |
(Missing) |
Smith, Gary |
(Missing) |
Smith, Judith (Judy) |
Smith, Richard |
(Missing) |
Smith, Ronald (Ronnie) |
Smith, Shannon |
(Missing) |
Smith, Sybil |
(Missing) |
Solomon, John |
(Deceased) |
Solomon, Sydney |
Sommers, Jimmy |
Sowell, Carolyn |
Speegle, Dwight |
(Deceased) |
Stafford, Donald |
(Missing) |
Stamatakis, Emanuel |
(Missing) |
Stapen, Bonnie |
Stavely, Samuel |
(Deceased) |
Stelljes, Courtenay |
(Deceased) |
Steuben, Georgene |
(Missing) |
Stokes, Angela |
(Unlisted) |
Stoller, Barry |
Stone, Kay |
Stone, Wilfred (Freddie) |
(Deceased) |
Street, Linda gail |
Strickland, Linda |
(Deceased) |
Strickland, Travis |
(Missing) |
Strickland, Victory Ann |
(Missing) |
Strojny, Victor |
(Deceased) |
Stuckey, Joseph |
(Missing) |
Sullivan, Patricia |
(Deceased) |
Sutker, Barbara |
Sweat, Mary |
(Missing) |
Tanner, John |
(Deceased) |
Tatum, Donald |
(Missing) |
Taylor, Danny |
(Missing) |
Taylor, Donnie Sue |
(Missing) |
Taylor, Larry |
Tenenbaum, Allan |
Tenenbaum, Marsha |
Thackston, Munro |
Thigpen, Sandra |
(Missing) |
Thomas, Carol |
(Deceased) |
Thomas, Sue |
(Unlisted) |
Thomason, Linda |
Thompson, Jacqueline |
(Missing) |
Thompson, John |
Thompson, Patricia Sue |
Thompson, Raymond |
(Missing) |
Tice, Georgiana |
Tice, Georgiana |
(Missing) |
Tice, Georgiana |
(Unlisted) |
Tillman, Harold Elmo |
(Deceased) |
Tillman, Joyce |
Toler, Dorothy |
(Deceased) |
Tomlin, Mary Jane |
(Unlisted) |
Tompkins, William |
Trawick, Betty Parker |
(Missing) |
Trowell, Janice |
(Deceased) |
Turner, Myra |
(Deceased) |
Tuten, Francine |
Tuten, Sandra |
Tyler, James |
(Missing) |
Ullrich, Wayne |
Ulsh, Linda Gail |
(Deceased) |
Van Hook, Carol Ann |
(Missing) |
Van Puffelin, John |
(Unlisted) |
Varnedoe, James |
(Deceased) |
Varner, Ned |
(Deceased) |
Vice, Robert |
(Missing) |
Vlachos, Alexandra |
(Missing) |
Wagner, Frances (Fran) |
Wagner, Renee |
(Deceased) |
Waldhour, Evelyn Diane |
(Deceased) |
Waldhour, James |
(Missing) |
Waldhour, Wylly |
(Missing) |
Walker, Gwendolyn |
(Missing) |
Wallace, Douglas |
(Missing) |
Ward, (Rosaline) Ann |
Ward, Jerry |
(Missing) |
Warmack, Richard |
(Deceased) |
Warnock, Fred |
(Missing) |
Waters, Bobbie (Barbara) |
Waters, Harrison |
(Deceased) |
Waters, Hugh |
(Deceased) |
Waters, Tommy |
(Missing) |
Watford, Bobby |
(Deceased) |
Way, Fred |
(Missing) |
Weatherly, Isaac |
Weatherly, Samuel |
(Deceased) |
Weeks, James |
Weeks, Stephen |
Welch, Don |
(Unlisted) |
Wells, Donna |
(Missing) |
Wester, Larry |
Whitaker, Mary Alice |
(Deceased) |
Whitaker, Pamela |
White, Evelyn |
White, Janice |
White, Larry |
Whitehouse, Rhonda |
Whitener, Joe |
(Missing) |
Whittington, Barrie |
(Missing) |
Wilkinson, Danny |
(Missing) |
Wilkinson, Mary Ellene |
Williams, Charles |
(Missing) |
Williams, Gloria Gay |
(Missing) |
Williams, Judy |
(Deceased) |
Williams, Karen |
(Missing) |
Williams, Lynda |
Williams, Martha Jo |
(Missing) |
Williams, Patsy |
(Deceased) |
Willis, Joyce |
(Missing) |
Willis, Susan |
Wilson, Thomas |
Winders, Josephine |
(Missing) |
Wing, Joanne |
(Deceased) |
Winters, Mary |
Woodcock, Carole Minick |
Woodcock, Carolyn Madge |
Woodward, Erwin |
(Deceased) |
Worden, Art |
Wotring, Donald |
Yarbrough, Carolyn |
(Missing) |
Yates, Mary Jane |
Yatro, Amelia (Kay) |
Yatro, Cary Michael |
(Missing) |
Youmans, Brenda |
Zeigler, Raymond |
(Deceased) |